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  • An "unreal" moment between newborn twins 🤗

An "unreal" moment between newborn twins 🤗

Plus, the perfect comeback to a mean comment.

Happy Saturday, Smilers!

Looking for something to do this weekend? How about stepping into the shoes of Sherlock Holmes and helping this woman solve the mystery of the decades-old postcard? 🧐

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This Week’s Most-Clicked Stories 👏

Meghan Huston smiles wide as she sits in a hospital bed, holding both of her twins, Declan and River.

“It Was Unreal.” Preemie Twins Reunite With A Hug After Separation In The NICU.

Meghan and Clayton Huston have had lots of ups and downs with pregnancy, making the moment their newborn twins reunited with a hug all the more joyous.

A two-photo collage. The first shows a woman looking confused as she’s handed a box. The second photo shows the same woman, now holding the box, now looking shocked. She’s saying, “You’re joking.”

Prankster Becomes Speechless When The Woman He Surprises Tells Her Story.

In a wholesome prank shared on Reddit, a man can be seen handing a box to a young woman before dashing away. This moment changed her life.

A two-photo collage. The first photo shows Tim's boat out on the ocean. The second photo shows Tim sitting on a bench in a trawler, cleaned up more and smiling.

Sailor And Dog Stranded For 3 Months At Sea Finally Found In “Needle In A Haystack” Rescue.

Tim Shaddock and his dog, Bella, were trapped on their boat in the Pacific Ocean for three months before a helicopter with a tuna trawler spotted them.

This Week’s Best ✨ Mystery Boosts ✨

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🥈 “That is the most adorable thing I have seen in a LONG time!”

🥉 “Wondrous! Nature in all her glory!”

A Scoop of Sweetness 🍦

Golden retriever puppies + a laughing child = the perfect recipe for an ADORABLE video. 😍

One Last Smile 😄

little girl in carseat pointing to her hair

Photo credit: violadavis / Instagram

The perfect comeback. This little girl’s response to someone’s negative comment about her hair deserves a round of applause! 👏

Quote of the Day 💭 

“The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.”

-Jean Paul

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Thanks for reading! 👋

See you next Saturday for another happiness boost!
- Corinne & the InspireMore team

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