Smile 6-6-23

Smile makes it easy to start your day with positivity, delivering the top uplifting news and stories in a fun, 5-minute daily email. Join 245K daily readers here!

Good morning, Smilers!

Your Tuesday tip: Negative news is everywhere. That’s why InspireMore exists — as a beacon of hope to counteract its harmful effects. And we have science to back it up! According to a new study, seeing stories of kindness (like ours) “may buffer the effects of negative news on our mental health.” All the more reason to keep reading Smile! 😄

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Today’s Top Stories 👏

jeep being pulled out of a lake

Man Catches “The Big One” While Fishing — But It’s Not What Anybody Expected!

Well, this catch of the day isn’t exactly fresh…

Erin Palek wearing friend's hat, boyfriend holding yellow tulips

Grieving Woman Sees “Breakfast For 2” Set Up By Boyfriend And Bursts Into Tears.

He is definitely a keeper! ❤️

toddler dancing

Tiny Toddler Proudly Performs Traditional Māori Dance, And It’s Entirely Delightful.

This is the cutest version of the haka that we’ve ever seen. 😍

More Good News 🌎

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Tweet of the Day 📱

“Please st👀p.” This request from management backfired in the best way.

Smile Picks

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One Last Smile 😄

woman dancing by herself at concert

Photo credit: slinnyknockets / Reddit

Contagious joy. “Who needs a dance partner when you have this much confidence, love it!”

Quote of the Day 💭 

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

-Albert Einstein

Thanks for reading! 👋

See you tomorrow for another dose of happiness!
- Corinne & the InspireMore team

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