Smile 6-21-23

Smile makes it easy to start your day with positivity, delivering the top uplifting news and stories in a fun, 5-minute daily email. Join 245K daily readers here!

Good morning, Smilers!

Wednesday Wellness: Even the most well-trained people can forget everything they’ve learned in an emergency. That’s exactly what happened to this CPR-certified mom when her son stopped breathing — so she invented her own solution!

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Today’s Top Stories 👏

Scott and Shayna raise their arms in the air in celebration on the summit of Mount Everest.

“We Overcame The Odds.” Deaf Couple Takes On Mount Everest — And Makes History!

Congratulations, Scott and Shayna! What an absolutely remarkable accomplishment! 🎉

lifeguard dogs beacon and buoy

Meet America’s First And Only Lifeguard Dogs, Beacon And Buoy.

A perk of having these dogs on the lifeguard team? They get along great with all their coworkers!

Roderick and Bryan have struck up a friendship.

A Homeless Man’s Life Is Transformed By A New Friend — And A Cup of Coffee.

Sometimes, all it takes to change a life is a little kindness.

More Good News 🌎

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Pic of the Day 📷

building under construction with varying smiley faces cut into the wrap

Photo credit: Caleb Mariakis / InspireMore

Spotted in Nashville by one of our very own! Who says construction workers can’t have fun on the job? 😄

Smile Picks

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One Last Smile 😄

little boy looking over at crying sister

Photo credit: epicfpage / Instagram

“Well, you need one.” This little boy’s observation about his younger sister’s emotional state is hilariously insightful. 😂 

Quote of the Day 💭 

“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a journey. At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.”

-Vera Nazarian

Thanks for reading! 👋

See you tomorrow for another dose of happiness!
- Corinne & the InspireMore team

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