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  • Sisters' hilariously different costumes 😆

Sisters' hilariously different costumes 😆

Plus, grandma's beautiful gift.

Good morning! ☀️ Let’s be honest: Expressing our emotions in a healthy way can be super difficult, even as adults. That’s what makes this 2-year-old’s display of emotional intelligence so remarkable — and speaks to the amazing way she’s being raised. (Watch Video.)

Stock images shows two sisters lying on a bed talking about costumes.

Sisters Decide To Wear Costumes To Bed — The Difference Is Hilarious

It’s always the second kid… 😆

A woman coaxing a dachshund across the floor.

Crowd Goes Wild As Senior Pup Finishes Last Place In Wiener Dog Race

She may have lost the race, but she won everyone’s hearts. 😍

Close up of a woman painting. We can only see part of the painting, giving us a glimpse of a brightly colored room, a side table, and a woman's arm. Text on the image reads: pov: painting a portrait of my granddaughter so that when I'm gone she'll always know the way I saw her

Grandma Paints Granddaughter So “When I’m Gone She’ll Always Know The Way I Saw Her”

She’ll cherish this priceless gift forever.

Today’s Inspiration 🌸

Act of Kindness

Today’s story of kindness comes from InspireMore reader Holly A.:

This seems so simple really. But it made my entire day at work because it was so unexpected. Without mentioning my job, I will say that my job is to greet people and direct them to their destination.

This particular day I was feeling a bit down when a woman walked up to me and handed me a bouquet of roses. I was surprised and asked her who had sent them to me. Her answer was that she just felt that I would appreciate them. Then she gave me a quick hug and walked away.

In Love Awww GIF

Have you experienced an act of kindness? We’d love to hear about it! Share your story here for a chance to be featured.

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A long-haired cat standing on a table.
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He’s got purrfect moves. 😹

“We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us.”

– Virginia Satir