Mom and baby moose play 😍

Plus, "the slowest bullet."

You don’t see this every day. 👀 When a new “customer” decided to check out the refrigerated produce aisle in Aldi, he got a rude send-off. The incident resulted in an incredible “tail” for those who witnessed. (Watch Video.)

Two moose playing in the water.

Mom and Baby Moose Frolic In The Shallows In Cutest Video

What an adorable bonding moment!

View from behind of a photographer standing on a rocks, staring out at the ocean in the distance. She holds a camera in her hands

Pure Joy At Its Finest: Wedding Photographer’s Excitement Is Infectious When Perfect Shot Happens

She had us all cheering along with her.

A woman looking into the camera with her dog in the background.

Woman Hilariously Shows Off “The Slowest Bullet In The World”

This is the slowest version of “play dead” you’ll ever see. 😆

Today’s Inspiration 🌸

Act of Kindness

Today’s story of kindness comes from InspireMore reader Debi:

“My sister had to go to the grocery to pick up a few things she needed but didn’t have the money to get the items. She did what any self-respecting mom would do in this circumstance, she [borrowed from] her son’s (grown) loose change bank and got enough for two rolls of quarters.

While in the store she started to talk to another lady she didn’t know and told her of [borrowing from] the change bank to have enough to get the items she needed. When she got to the register and tried to give the checkout clerk the quarter rolls she was told the store no longer accepted rolled coins.

My sister was ready to tell her to put everything back and leave when the lady she had been talking to walked up to her and gave her a store gift card. When my sister protested the lady simply said, ‘Let me bless you today.’ and left. She had given her enough to pay for the groceries she had with some left over. My sister did not know this lady nor could she find her after she checked out to thank her. My sister believes she was an angel in disguise. May God richly bless this lady tenfold for her kindness to a stranger.”

Keanu Reeves Reaction GIF

Strangers helping strangers — we love to see it!

Have you experienced an act of kindness? We’d love to hear it! Share your story here for a chance to be featured.

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– J.M. Barrie