Make way for the flower grandpa! 💐

Plus, pink dolphins are a thing, apparently.

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Good morning, Smilers!

We know, we know. Mondays are always tough, but here’s a little something to brighten your morning: a “reminder to enjoy the little things.” 😄

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Today’s Top Stories 👏

flower grandpa walking down aisle

95-Yr-Old Fights For Life So He Can Be Bride’s “Flower Grandpa,” As Promised.

What precious memories this bride will have to cherish!

pink dolphin

Pink Dolphins!? Fisherman Spots A Once-In-A-Lifetime Phenomenon In Louisiana.

Wow, what a moment to capture on camera!

Roberta smiles wide as she holds Kayson in her arms.

Prison Guard Fired For Giving Inmate’s Newborn A Temporary Home Has No Regrets.

“How can I thank this woman?” ❤️

beam dream powder

Healthy Hot Chocolate For Better Sleep.

We all know the feeling after a bad night’s sleep: achy, groggy, moody, and you can’t focus on anything.

It’s time to say goodbye to that feeling with a new nighttime ritual. Take one scoop of Beam’s delicious Dream Powder, blend it into a mug of hot water or milk, and sip 30-45 minutes before bed. You’ll be out like a light, and you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated (thanks to sleep-promoting ingredients like CBD, reishi, magnesium, L-theanine, and melatonin). Check out their most decadent flavor, Sea Salt Caramel, and use code SMILE for 40% off the first month of your subscription.

*Please support our sponsors! They make it possible for us to keep spreading good news for free. 🙂

More Good News 🌎

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Pic of the Day 📷

indent of a cat paw in a fresh batch of brownies

Photo credit: Ewelannawhite / Twitter

The purrfect crime. “Got home last night to my sweet, thoughtful boyfriend surprising me with a fresh batch of brownies. Ate a few then left them in the kitchen for an hour and came back to this.”

One Last Smile 😄

toddler holding newborn sister protectively

Photo credit: bindukwe / Reddit

Don’t even try it. Nobody’s getting their hands on this newborn with her protective big sister around!

Quote of the Day 💭 

“Someday is not a day of the week.”

-Denise Brennan-Nelson

Other newsletters we love ❤️

The Daily TonicA free morning newsletter with the latest on all things health 🌿 Over 100,000 readers 🌻

Thanks for reading! 👋

See you tomorrow for another dose of happiness!
- Corinne & the InspireMore team

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