Kitty reincarnation? 🤔

Plus, a heartwarming Disney surprise.

Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️ While today is typically celebrated as a romantic holiday, we’d like to shine a light on other kinds of love, too, from friendship to family and everything in between — like this single dad stepping up to help his daughter feel beautiful.

Scroll down to our “More Good News” section for past stories of love in all its forms.

Feel-Good Feedback 💌

A woman holding a cat in her arms.

Cat Mom Swears Her Late Kitty Came Back To Her In Wild Story

Kitty reincarnation or happy coincidence? 🤔

A man and woman both lean forward, one leg stretched out, as they dance. They each have an arm bent in the air

Random Encounter Between Strangers At The Gym Turns Into Epic Dance Session

They nailed this impromptu performance!

A woman sitting in the car with her little brother.

Sister Surprises Little Brother She Adopted With Epic Trip To Disney World

His face when it all sets in. 🥹

Today’s Inspiration 🌸

Battle of the Smiles!

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More Good News 🥰

Mystery Boost

Click the Mystery Boost and send in your vote. We'll share the top rated boost later this week!

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Close up of a woman looking distraught and confused as she looks at the person capturing this moment on camera. Text on the image reads: "My Husband Sent Me These Of Before & After I Ate And I'm Actually Embarrassed"
One Last Smile

Relatable: “My Husband Sent Me These Of Before & After I Ate And I’m Actually Embarrassed”

If you get “hangry,” this video is for you. 😆

“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.”

– Vincent Van Gogh