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  • Imagine running into Kelly Clarkson like this! 😲

Imagine running into Kelly Clarkson like this! 😲

Plus, French people trying to pronounce English words.

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Good morning, Smilers!

Did you spot the Harvest Moon last week? If not, be sure to feast your eyes on these stunning photos of the spectacular sight. 🤩

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Today’s Top Stories 👏

Kelly Clarkson sings into a mic on a street in Las Vegas. A busker stands across from her, mouth open from shock as she holds out her arms to hug Clarkson.

Kelly Clarkson Belts A Tina Turner Classic With Busker Who Doesn’t Recognize Her… At First!

Imagine running into Kelly Clarkson like this! 😲

An older woman sits at a restauraunt table looking distraught as a waitress takes away the food sat out in front of her.

Hungry Grandma Scrounges For Leftovers — But This Kind Waitress Stops Her.

French people attempting to speak English. Image has five panels showing the five volunteers in this social experiment.

French Speaking People Try To Pronounce Some Words In English And It Leads To Hilarity.

Honestly, "hedge-a-hug" is pretty close!

More Good News 🌎

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Fun Fact of the Day 😮

dolly parton and male band

We bet you didn’t know that these famous songs are actually covers!

One Last Smile 😄

fainting goats lying in yard

Photo credit: ian..slattery / TikTok

When a UPS driver attempted to turn around in this yard, these goats put on quite a show.

Quote of the Day 💭 

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

-W.B. Yeats

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See you tomorrow for another dose of happiness!
- Corinne & the InspireMore team

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