Hobby Lobby hilarity 😂

Plus, an aggressively cuddly dog.

Your Tuesday tip: Did you know flooring installation comes with free entertainment? Well, maybe not always, but this family lucked out when their crew went above and beyond to make a little girl happy. 🎵 (More here.)

A man stands in a Hobby Lobby, laughing hysterically as he uses a hand to cover his mouth. Text reads: We were shopping at Hobby Lobby and all of a sudden, my husband breaks down in tears
Make Me Smile

Husband Breaks Down In Tears Seeing The Most Random Thing At Hobby Lobby

His reaction is equal parts hilarious and sweet.

Left image shows daughter placing stuffed bear to setup prank. Right image shows the daughter jumping out at her parents.

Daughter Plays A Long Con To Catch Parents In Silly Prank

It’s like a life-sized version of Toy Story.

Left image shows the hospice nurse arriving with her parrot. Right image shows the burse passing the parrot to her patient.

Hospice Nurse Surprises Delighted Patient With Unexpected Avian Guest

To say she was ecstatic might be a slight understatement. 😊

Today’s Inspiration 🌸

Pic of the Day

Today we have for you a wholesome text from a father to his daughter “about the cat he was forced to adopt”:

“We had three pets pass away last year (from old age), and my dad was heartbroken and couldn’t bring himself to adopt another pet,” his daughter explained. “But then my sister was taking care of a colony of feral cats and was having trouble finding a home for this cutie. My dad begrudgingly accepted the cat into his home, and now they’re inseparable. He sends me texts like this and videos of them playing all the time.”

Pets make the best companions, don’t they? They know exactly how to make us feel better when we’re down. 🐾❤️

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Image shows an overly cuddly dog trying to wear his owner's sweatshirt... while the man is still in it.
One Last Smile

“POV You Have A Really Cuddly Dog But Only In A Feral Way”

He does not understand the concept of personal space. 😆

“You reclaim your power by loving what you were once taught to hate.” 

– Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

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