Grandma reunites with cat 🥰

Plus, abducted boy found safe!

Good morning! We’ve got some more miraculous news for you today. Abdul Khan spent seven long years searching for his little boy, who went missing at just 7 years old. Well, get this: He’s finally been found safe! 🙌 (More here.)

Left image shows Pickles peeking out from his hiding spot. Right image shows Grandma reuniting with her cat.

Grandma Reunites With Beloved Cat After Three Weeks In The Hospital

When he realizes it’s her… 🥰

Image show NFL QB Malik Willis offering clothes to a homeless woman.

Heartwarming: NFL QB Gives His Clothes To Homeless Person After Combine

And he didn’t know anyone was watching. 👏

A man sits at a restaurant table, leaning forward to better hear his wife who can be partially seen on the right side of this image. The man looks surprised, eyes wide and mouth agape.

Too Cute: “Telling My Husband I Have A Crush On Him To Get His Reaction”

Okay, could these two be any cuter?!

Today’s Inspiration 🌸

Act of Kindness

Today’s story of kindness comes from user Bonnie_Wee_Lassie on Reddit, who shared an open letter “to the woman near Liverpool St”:

“On Feb 26th my mother and I were in a side street near Liverpool St Station, we were going to take the train to Stansted and from there catch a flight to Germany to see family for a few days. Mum is 86, originally Scottish, but spent her early years in Berlin returning to study in Dundee.

As we walked to the station mum stumbled and fell. She sat on the ground for a few moments then feeling foolish laughed. A woman walked over, she was nicely dressed in a suit and raincoat but still sat on the ground with mum, she introduced herself and had an NHS ID card. She asked mum a few questions, as she said mum didn’t trip or slip on wet floor, she got her to squeeze her hands, smile and lift her eyebrows, then she asked another bystander who had got water to call an ambulance.

She left quickly as soon as the ambulance arrive as she was attending a conference, she joked all she would miss was safety talk.

Mum had had a stroke, the doctors later told me if it hadn’t been for her intuition and willingness to put her day on hold the outcome would have been very different. I honestly can’t bring myself to think we might have rested for a spell and continued on to Stansted.

I hope someone sees this and can pass on my thanks and tell her what an extraordinary person she is we were truly blessed to have had her there at that moment. God bless you, you were absolutely heaven sent.”

Super Hero Doctor GIF by GIPHY Studios 2021

Here’s hoping this message of gratitude reaches the healthcare hero. 🤞 She certainly deserves the recognition!

Have you experienced an act of kindness? We’d love to hear it! Share your story here for a chance to be featured.

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Images show a Dad trying hard not to laugh at his kid's drawing.
One Last Smile

Dad Holds On For Dear Life Trying Not To Laugh At Kid’s Drawing Of Mom

Mom quickly recovered. Dad is probably still laughing. 😂

“Love is a friendship set to music.”

– Joseph Campbell