German shepherd vs. tiny kitten 🤭

Plus, snow in Florida?!

Snow in Florida?! ❄️ This week will go down in the state’s weather history thanks to a major winter storm. Much of northern Florida has been covered in snow — check out some of the footage here!

a man comforts a scared german shepherd

85-Lb German Shepherd Cowers Before Terrifying Feline Adversary

We can hear David Attenborough now: “The most dangerous animal on this planet.” 😉 

wheel of fortune puzzle

“Wheel Of Fortune” Contestant’s Seemingly Impossible Solve Has Fans Shocked

It’s as if she pulled the answer out of thin air!

Images show a golden retriever zooming around the family's deck.

Golden Retriever Mom Gets Camera Notification & Sees Pure Hilarious Chaos

Never a dull moment… 😂

Today’s Inspiration 🌸

Riddle Time!

What can you drive that has wheels and also flies?

driving los angeles GIF by The Hills

Answer: A garbage truck.

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a dad sneaking his son out of preschool
One Last Smile

“POV: Watching Your Soft Husband Sneak Our Son Out Of Preschool…”

This video perfectly encapsulates fatherhood.

“Life is an echo. What you send out comes back. What you sow you reap. What you give you get. What you see in others exists in you.”

– Zig Ziglar, See You at the Top