"Chupacabra" sighting 🤣

Plus, a very wholesome prank.

Good morning! Welcome to (almost) winter, also known as “Why won’t my dog come in out of the cold?” ❄️ If you have a cold-weather dog, you know exactly what the owner of this Bernese mountain dog is talking about… (Watch Video.)

a woman speaking with the caption "is that a chupacabra from the mountains?"

Man Swears He Spots Chupacabra At Coffee Shop… The Truth? Hilarious

Although he did spot an odd little creature, it wasn’t a Chupacabra… 😂

Close up of a man standing outside. He looks down as he smiles and laughs. A woman stands nearby, just a bit behind him. She looks off in the distain, a small smile on her face as she seems to be suppressing a laugh herself.
Make Me Smile

Wholesome Prank: Man Starts Laughing At Tram Stop & It Spreads Like Wildfire

It just goes to show that joy is contagious.

A grandma sits in a chair outside. She's wearing sunglasses. She smiles wide as she points to something in the distance that can't be seen in this photo
Make Me Smile

Grandkids Team Up To Make Grandma’s Strange But Hilarious Thanksgiving Wish Come True

How did she even come up with this idea?! 😆

Today’s Inspiration 🌸

Act of Kindness

Today’s story of kindness comes from an anonymous user on Reddit:

“My fiance and I went to Taco Bell one night when he was homeless, and we had like less than $5 to make a whole meal for both of us and we also had no idea when we’d get money again.

We gave the guy at the window the money for our order and my fiance cracked a joke about how it was our last $5 until payday (which was, like, a week away), and the dude was like "‘Really? Hm,’ then looked around behind him and continued with ‘What do you like to drink? And do you like [this menu item], we got some extras back there.’ We told him we love Big Red and we'll literally eat anything, and he hooked us up. I think we did cry a little. We hadn’t eaten in days.”

Clap Applause GIF by Lizzo

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call this employee a lifesaver. We hope he knows how amazing he is!

Have you experienced an act of kindness? We’d love to hear it! Share your story here for a chance to be featured.

More Good News

This Week’s Best Mystery Boost

A little girl holding a white lamb in her lap.
One Last Smile

Little Girl Cuddling With Lamb Is Un-bahh-lievably Adorable

If you’re having a baaad day, this video is sure to cheer you up! 😍

“Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.”

– Eric Hoffer