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  • Beautiful perspective on body image ❤️

Beautiful perspective on body image ❤️

Plus, adorable sandhill crane babies.

Good morning! If you think kites are just for kids, we have a surprise for you! 🪁

The bi-annual kite festival at Haulover Park in Miami, Florida, is a treat for kite lovers. Participants bring so much more than your average diamond-shaped kites — there’s a wide array of imagination on display, including a giant yellow whale! (See Here.)

A woman smiles wide, mouth open, as she holds her arms out. She seems to be doing a bit of a happy dance

Woman’s Message Puts Body Image In A Whole New (And Beautiful) Perspective

She makes such a fantastic point. 👏

A man crawls on his arms, one foot raised slightly in the air. Just behind him, a red vehicle can be partially seen

Car Dealership Finds Hilarious Method To Explain All Wheel Drive To Customers

While silly, people are finding this demonstration very helpful!

Image shows a gloved hand holding a small turtle that was found in the gutter.

Man Finds Surprising Visitor Crawling Around In The Gutters Of Home

How in the world did it get up there?!

Today’s Inspiration 🌸

Act of Kindness

Today’s story of kindness was submitted by InspireMore reader Dana S.:

“I’m paralyzed and live in a skilled nursing facility. After I worked through all the emotional turmoil from my paralysis my real personality came back. It took a year but I feel more or less myself now.

I’ve tried to show love to other residents and the staff. My birthday was a week and a half ago and wow! Was I rewarded for the love I’ve shown. My CNA sang for me and ordered me food. Then the director of the kitchen came to me with a dozen red roses and a huge balloon in the shape of a a cow. He gave me a hug and told me that I’m his favorite. Then one of the nurses gave me a lovely wallet that I actually needed. Then the head of maintenance and one of his workers came and sang Happy Birthday. Then I went to activities and they sang to me and gave me another balloon and a cupcake and a card.

I was totally overwhelmed and surprised by all of this love. I’ve also been told that I’m the favorite of a number of people and that most people don’t get the fuss that was made over me. I certainly don’t show love and support to people to gain something back but it sure was nice to get all the love and attention directed towards me!”

Feels I Love You GIF by Academy of Country Music Awards

Something tells us Dana is an absolute joy to be around… ☺️

Have you experienced an act of kindness? We’d love to hear it! Share your story here for a chance to be featured.

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Two adult sandhill cranes search around the grass for food. Their two, tiny babies follow closely behind
One Last Smile

Sandhill Crane Couple Brings Two Tiny Babies To Visit!

“This is their official birth announcement.”

“Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.”

– Mark Twain