Backstreet Boys parody, anyone? 😆

Plus, a golden retriever's impossible choice.

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Good morning! What would you do if you had the chance to meet one of your favorite celebrities? Rather than simply asking for an autograph or photo, this clever kid recently asked for something unexpected: to play rock, paper, scissors with The Rock himself! 🤜

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Five Denver Water employees pose like a boyband on a beach. They're all wearing white. The one woman has a drawn-on beard.

“I Water That Way,” Utility Company Turns Watering Rules Into Hilarious Backstreet Boys Parody

From the vocals and dance moves to the editing and the random toilet person, there’s just so much to love about this PSA. 😆

mom laughing at baby's pinched face from eating peas
Cute Kids

Baby Tries Peas For The First Time & And Her Reaction Isn’t What You’d Expect—It’s Better

Somebody is NOT a fan.

A woman looks at her golden retriever, who is sitting in front of a burger.

What Happens When A Senior Golden Retriever Has To Choose Between Mom And A Burger?

She had no idea her pup’s response would be so wholesome!

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An elderly woman is shocked when she sees her surprise party.
One Last Smile

Neighbors Come Together To Throw Surprise Birthday Party For 88-Yr-Old Woman

Her reaction is even better than the party. ❤️

This lovely quote and artwork came from Doe Zantamata, author of The Happiness in Your Life: Answers Within Guidebook, a collection of quotes that one reviewer calls “a magical tool for everyday life.” Check it out here!*

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