Astounding puppeteer skills 😮

Plus, a real-life flying car.

Well, it’s official — the future is here! The first-ever flying car has successfully achieved flight. California-based company Alef Aeronautics shared the first publicly released video of a car driving and taking off vertically. Check out this mind-blowing moment for yourself!

Image shows the War Horse puppet and puppeteers meeting a new friend.

You’ll Be Astounded By The Skill Of The Puppeteers Behind (Or Beneath) The “War Horse” Production

They bring this horse to life in the most realistic ways!

A little boy waving outside a school in Vietnam.
Make Me Smile

Precious: Tiny Tot Emerges From Schoolhouse To Greet British Backpacker In Rural Vietnam

“I fear I would need to move to Vietnam for him.” 😍

A woman holding a photo of a cat.

Heartwarming Charity Helps Senior Citizens Find Loving Homes For Their Pets Before They Pass

They’re giving elderly pet parents peace of mind.

Today’s Inspiration 🌸

Act of Kindness

Today’s story of kindness was submitted by InspireMore reader Brenda M.:

“Think it was in 1973. I was taking a bus from Fayetteville NC to Dayton, Ohio. I only had about $3.00 for the trip. The bus broke down in Tennessee and I had to walk about 9 blocks for the other bus.

On that bus an elderly lady that was traveling to see family gave me homemade cookies. Then when the bus stopped I believe near Knoxville, a teenage black young man threw on my chest a $1.00 wrapped around a quarter. He ran off the bus before I realized what was going on (I was sleeping). I was blessed by his kindness and I am sure like me he didn’t have much money. With the bus breaking down the trip ended up taking 27 hours to get to Dayton. I did have a peanut butter and a jelly sandwich that I brought. I think of the kindness a lot over years.”

Pass It On Be Kind GIF

Even with some curveballs thrown in, we love how this turned into such a positive memory for Brenda! That’s the power of kindness.

Have you experienced an act of kindness? We’d love to hear it! Share your story here for a chance to be featured.

More Good News

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A gray cat with white paws walking.
One Last Smile

Mr. Boots Has The Perfect Reaction To Being Brought Home From The Shelter For The First Time

This kitty is aptly named. 😉 

“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.”

– William Arthur Ward